Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Shadow Girl

She is the masked figure behind your emotion.
She is the burn you get from a scorching hot oven,
She is the cool, clean water you run over your singed flesh.
She could be your lover, she could be a hater.  
She reads you like a book and tries to rewrite you in someone new, but comes running back because she hasn't memorized you completely yet.
She is an angel, a devil.
She watches you from the shadows, your best friend, your worst enemy.
She knows all your secrets, all your lies. You know her, don’t you? Think. You know her.


  1. What a gorgeous poem! I love the imagery, and my favorite part is "comes running back because she hasn't memorized you completely yet." This will leave me thinking for a long time.

  2. These sound like song lyrics! Love them and I can see them put to music.

  3. Zoe, the depth of your writing is beautiful. Yes, yes...I do know her--the Shadow Girl. Thank you for writing and sharing from your heart.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. :) Thanks so much for the wonderful feedback!

  6. Very Cool, AND in an awesome font, I like it.

  7. Deep, and amazing, I love it.
