Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Beet Facts

Facts about beets.

1:Most sugar is either produced by sugar cane, or more commonly beets.

2:Beets are the most versatile ingredient in the common kitchen.

3:Ukrainians have made a traditional beet soup called borsch.

4:You can dye your hair with beets. 

5:Beets are a red/purple root vegetable that comes from north america and some other places around the world.

6:Beets are one of the most sweet root vegetables.

7:Beets are a medicinal plant

8:150 to 180 pounds of beet sugar is consumed each year

9:The types of beets are, the North American Beet, the Golden Beet, the Red Beet, the Garden Beet, and the table beet

10:Beets taste good with goat cheese

11:Red food coloring can be made with beets
Beet remains have been excavated in the Third dynasty Saqqara pyramid at Thebes, Egypt, and four charred beet fruits were found in the Neolithic site of Aartswoud in the Netherlands. However, it is difficult to determine whether these are domesticated or wild forms of B. vulgaris.
Napoleon, cut off from Caribbean imports by a British blockade and at any rate not wanting to fund British merchants, banned sugar imports in 1813. This cut off supplies of sugar produced from sugar cane. The beet sugar industry that emerged in consequence thrived..

Interesting Facts About Beets

Beets have two important things: potassium and nitrate. Both of these help with blood pressure. Potassium helps out the sodium to maintain the volume of blood in your circulatory system. The more sodium in your body means more water, more volume, and higher blood pressure. Eating nitrate flushes sodium out of your body.