Monday, March 30, 2015

Just Be You

Wake up and smell the roses. Feel new and awake. There is nothing better than feeling free,wild,happy. But the most important thing is to feel the opposite like dark,evil,lonely, afraid. You can feel like there is fire burning inside. But  an icy feeling fighting  your anger. Just be your self. Stop Fighting That.
Image result for ice fighting fire


  1. Wise words! We need to feel the dark to appreciate the light.

  2. This is a great message, and I love the picture you found to go with it.

  3. Such intense feelings brought out in beautiful words.

  4. Such intense feelings brought out in beautiful words.

  5. Make me think of Liber Esse. Imagine a world where we would all be free.

  6. I love the picture of the two wolves fighting. It reminds me of a story where a boy's grandfather tells him "There are two wolves fighting in your mind. One is order, one is chaos" Then the boy says "Which one wins?" The grandfather says " The one you feed."
